Course Of Study

Diploma Programme


First Year B.A. Degree

First Semester


Vinaya 101-109

101 Introduction to Vinaya Studies.
3 units

This course covers the following aspects: two aspects of the Buddha’s teaching, Dhamma and Vinaya; its classification into Pi¥aka and Nikãya; the background of the Vinaya,; aims and objectives; seven types of offences (ãpatti); an introduction into the Vinaya disciplinary rules, sikkhãpada; the development of ordination (i.e. eight types of ordination); the great offences for monks (garukãpatti); and the search, maintenance, use and proper use of various requisites (parikkhãra & nissaya).


Suttanta 111 – 119

111 Introduction to the Suttanta.
3 units

This course introduces the students with some of the discourses delivered by the Buddha on various occasions.  Cþ¹akammavibha³ga-sutta explains kamma and its resultant effects.  Nakhasika-sutta convinces us that to be reborn as a human being is very difficult.  Sabramaka-sutta explains the meaning of real Brahma.  Kasibhãradvãja-sutta depicts the Buddha’s encounter with the Brahmin ùãvaka-sutta presents the Buddha’s answers to the questions at ùãvaka such as how to obtain knowledge.  Dhammacakkapavattana-sutta, the First Sermon of the Buddha, explains the two extremes to be avoided, the Four Noble Truths, and the Middle Way to be taken.


112 Introduction to unspecified sutta(s).
3 units

This course covers selective suttas, such as Mahãkammavibhinga-suttam Sallekha-sutta, etc.







Abhidhamma 121 – 129


121 Introduction to the Study of Abhidhamma.
3 units

This course explains the history of Abhidhamma and Paññatti and Paramattha.  Out of four ultimate realities citta (consciousness) and Cetasikas (mental factors) are explained here.  This course covers eighty-nine or 121 types of citta (Consciousness); fifty-two types of cetasikas; how to associate cetasikas with cittas (Sampayoga); and how to associate citta with cetasikas (Sa³gaha).


Patipatti 131 – 139


131 Introduction to Central Buddhist Practices (Dhammanuloma), Part I
3 units

The first section of this course provides the students basic and sound knowledge of Buddhism such as Paying homage to the Triple Gem.  Three modes of paying homage, Taking the threefold refuge, the meaning of the Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha, and also the supreme attributes of the Triple Gem.  This course helps one to understand the Three basic principles- dãna, søla and bhãvanã.  This course will enable one to distinguish between Wholesome and Unwholesome actions (Kusala and Akusala Kamma).  It also explains Kamma and its results.



132 Introduction to Buddhist Rituals, Part I
3 units

The second section covers the devotional services such as Common Prayer, the observance of precepts, Offering of food, water, flower, light etc., Aspiration and sharing one’s merits and Rejoicing in others’ merits.  This also explains four sublime states of living (Brajmavihãra) with the emphasis on Radiating loving-kindness (Metta-sutta) and Benefits of mettã.






Pã¹i  Language 141 – 149


141 Introduction to Pã¹i  Studies      
3 units

This course covers: Pã¹i alphabet, Declension of masculine nouns ending in -a; Declension of neuter nouns ending in -a; the gerund/absolutive; the infinitive; the present participle, masculine and neuter genders; Conjugation of verbs -present tense, active voice and the future tense; the optative /potential mood and the imperative mood.



142 Introduction to an unspecified Pã¹i grammatical tradition.
3 units

This course covers Chapter I in Kaccayana (Sandhi), Part I.



Myanmar 151


151 Introduction to Myanmar language
3 units

This course will enable the students to write and speak basic Myanmar sentences.  This includes: Myanmar consonants, Consonant clusters, Vowels and tones, Devowelizers, and Auxiliary Verbs.


English 152


152 Intermediate English
3 units

this course covers an Introduction to language skills – reading, writing, listening and speaking; Special instruction on Parts of Speech in English and Reading in Buddhist literature.


153 Unspecified/chosen language
3 units

This course provides the students with selective language.




Elective Subjects 161-169


161 Introduction to World Religions
3 units

This course covers aims and objectives of Comparative study; the definition and study of religion; World Religions; and other disciplines.


162 Introduction to Buddhist Culture and History
3 units

This course covers Culture and History relating to Buddhism. it includes: definition of culture from different viewpoints; historical origins of Buddhist culture in ancient Pyu and Bagan; Buddhist culture in everyday life and ceremonies.


163 Introduction to Myanmar History and Culture
3 units

This course covers introduces to History of Myanmar with special reference to culture and religion.  It consists of: Geographical setting and Anthrpological pattern; Prehistoric settlements; Pre-Bagan and Bagan Period; Pinya, Inn-wa, and Hanthawady (Bago) Period.


164 Introduction to selective philosophy
3 units

This course covers the introduction to Philosophy; Buddhist philosophy, Brahmanism and Jainism.


165 Introduction to Buddhist psychology or sociology
3 units

This course covers the introduction to Buddhist psychology or sociology with references to Buddhist perspectives.







Second Semester


Vinaya 106-110



106 Introduction to Vinaya Studies, Part II.
3 units

This course seeks to further the knowledge of Vinaya with the study of purity of precept on the four essential requisites (catupãrisuddhi-søla); four categories of disputes and seven types of their resolution (adhikara¼a & adhikara¼a-samatha); monastic rules related to laity and woman (gihi-pa¥isaµyutta & mãtugãma-patisamyutta- sikkhãpada); decor (sekhiaya); procedures of various important rituals such as the uposatha, ordination, the pavarana and the kathina.




Suttanta 116-120


116 Introduction to the Suttanta, Part II.
3 units

This course is the continuation of the discourses delivered by the Buddha.  It includes Mangala-sutta; Ma³gala-sutta explains Thirty-eight ways to blessing ; Parãbhava-sutta explains the cause of downfall; Sa³gãlovãda-sutta explains the duties in society; Vasala-sutta explains the causes of becoming a wretch; Nidhika¼óa-sutta explains the way of treasure store; and the Dhammapada (Yamakavagga).



117 Introduction to unspecified sutta(s). …………..
3 units

This course covers Punnovada-sutta, kalamama-sutta and so on.



Abhidhamma 126-129


126 Introduction to the Study of Abhidhamma, Part II
3 units

This course covers Enumeration of material phenomena; Classification of matter, The origination of matter, The grouping of material phenomana; The occurrance of material phenomenal; and Nibbana. It will continue the following classifications: feelings, roots, functions, doors, objects, and bases.


Patipatti 136-139


136 Introduction to Central Buddhist Practices (Dhammanuloma), Part II
3 units

This course is the continuation of the Introduction to Central Buddhist Practices.  It covers the Principles for happiness and prosperity such as four Wheels of prosperity, Wealth and Happiness, Division of income, four attainment that people accumulate, Proper use of hard-earned wealth and Why some families rise while others fall.


137 Introduction to Buddhist Rituals, Part II
3 units

This course includes Novitiation; Higher Ordination; the fivefodls dullabha; the fourfold samãpatti; the four types of individual (puggala); the three types of neyya; Sotãpattiya³ga (the four conditions to stream-entry) and five elements of effort (padhãniya³ga).







Pã¹i Language 146-149


146 Introduction to Pã¹i  Studies, Part II
3 units

This is the continuation of the Introduction Pã¹i Studies.  This covers the past tense, Declension of feminine nouns ending in -ã, the past participle, Declension of feminine nouns ending on -i and -ø, the present participle, feminine gender; The future passive participle; The causative; Declension f feminine nouns ending on -u and -û, Declension of agent nouns and nouns indicating relationships; Declension of masculine nouns ending in -i and -u, ending in -vantu and -mantu, Declension of personal pronouns, relative, demonstrative and interrogative.


147 Introduction to an unspecified Pã¹i  grammatical tradition
3 units

This course covers Chapter I in Kaccayana (Sandhi), Part II.


Myanmar 156


156 Introduction to Myanmar language, Part II
3 units

This is the continuation of the Introduction to Myanmar Language.  This covers Basic conversation; Situational dialogue; Spoken style and written style; and Short sentences (reading & writing).


English 157


157 Intermediate English, Part II
3 units

158 Unspecified/chosen language
3 units


Elective 161-169


166 Introduction to World Religions, Part II
3 units

This course is the continuation of Introduction to World Religions Part I.  This covers Introduction to five major religions in Myanmar namely, Animism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity and Islam.  It also explains Comparative study of the key concepts of the major religions.


167 Introduction to Buddhist Culture and History, Part II
3 units

This course is a continuation of the Introduction to Buddhist Culture and History, Part I.  It includes Buddhist culture and festivals, its transmission, Promotion of Buddhist culture by the state (tangible culture), and Buddhist culture and modern age.


168 Introduction to Myanmar History and Culture, Part II
3 units

This course is also a continuation of the Introduction to Myanmar Culture and History, Part I.  This paper deals with History of Myanmar during Rakhine Period (2 – 18 AD), Taungo Period (AD 1486-1599), Nyaung Yan Period (AD 1599-1752), Early Konbaung Period (AD 1752-1819), Late Konbaung Period (AD 1819-1889), The British Colnial Pariod (AD 1885-1841), The Period of Japanese Occupation (1941-1941), and Post-War Period (1954-Present).


169 Introduction to selective philosophy, Part II
3 units

This course covers the introduction to Philosophy; Sankhya and yoga.



170 Introduction to Buddhist psychology or sociology, Part II
3 units

This course covers the introduction to Buddhist psychology or sociology with references to Buddhist perspectives.





Second Year B.A. Degree

First Semester



Vinaya 201-209


201 The Study of the Patimokkha, Part I
3 units

This course enables to deepen students’ knowledge of the Patimokkha, concentrating on the rules (sikkhãpada) in details in both Pã¹i  and English, preparing background for the way decision is reached with regard to apatti and anapatti or two concepts in an analysis of the nature of rules, i.e.lokavajja & pannattivajja.


202 Practical Aspects of Vinaya, Part I
3 units

This course involves the theoretical study of the Mahavagga Pã¹i regarding the procedure of Ordination (upasampadavidhi).


Suttanta 211-219


211 Critical approach to prescribed suttas in the D.N
3 units

This course studies the critical approach to Brahmajãla-sutta, Sãmaññaphala-sutta, and Keva¥¥a-sutta in Digha-Nikaya.


212 Critical approach to prescribed suttas in the M.N
3 units

Thsi course studies the critical apprach to Sabbãsava-sutta, Bhayabherava-sutta, and Alagaddûpama-sutta in the Majjhima-nikãya.


Abhidhamma 221-229


221 The Study of Abhidhamma
3 units

This course will deepen the knowledge of the students on Abhidhamma. It explains the mental process, procedure of retention, procedure of Javana, classification of individuals and plains, Four planes of existence, fourfold rebirth, fourfold Kamma, procedure of death and rebirth.



Patipatti 231-239


231 Study of Samatha Meditation, Part I
3 units

This course covers the study of Samatha (Tranquillity) meditation. It includes the purpose of tranquillity meditation, Forty objects (Kamma¥¥hãna) of tranquility meditation; Six types of carita (temperament) and Choice of meditation object in accordance with the temperament; Preparations prior to meditation including the Four guardian meditations; and the attainment of Jhana and Abhañña.





Pã¹i 241-249


241 Intermediate Pã¹i , Part I
3 units

This course is the continuation of the Pã¹i Studies.  It covers; Pã¹i Alphabets, vowels, consonant vowels and consonants, Phonology, Declension of nouns, Pronouns and Numerals.


242 An unspecified Pã¹i  Grammar and Composition, Part I
3 units

This course is designed to teach the students Pã¹i Grammar; Capter II of Kaccayana (Nãma), Part I  and Composition utilizing the examples from the Pã¹i Texts and literature.



Myanmar 251

251 Intermediate Myanmar
3 units

This course is the continuation of the Myanmar language.  It covers: Greetings and farewells; Classroom expressions; Common expressions; Polite phrases; Forms of addresses; Talking to Buddhist monks; Nouns, Adjectives, Numbers, Numerical classifiers, Gender, Personal pronouns, Verbs, Auxiliary verbs, Adverbs, Negative and Interrogative.


English 252

252 Advanced English, Part I
3 units

This course covers an Introduction to language skills – reading, writing, listening and speaking.  It includes: Types of Sentence namely, (a) Simple Sentence, (b) Compound Sentence, (c) Complex Sentence, (d) Compound Complex Sentence; and Readings in Buddhist literature.



253 An unspecified/chosen language, Part I
3 units



World Religions


261 Study of Rituals and Practices of World Religions, Part I
3 units

This course will give the students a deeper understanding of the World Religions.  It includes: The general study of living and non-living religions; The unities and diversities of the five great living religions from the problematic perspective; Emergence of universe (creator and creation); and Beginning of creatures (being and beginning of man).


262 Study of Buddhist Culture and History, Part I
3 units

This course is to explain the Buddhist Culture and History.  It covers the Buddhist Culture such as Architecture (Evolution of Stupas), Sculpture (Buddha images), Mural paintings, Lacquer ware art, Folk art, Contemporary art; Music-History and development, Characteristics and comparison with western music, Religious music, and Famous musicians.


263 Study of Myanmar Culture and History, Part I 
3 units

This course is to explain the Myanmar Culture and History.  It covers History of Myanmar (with special reference to culture and religion) during Early Konbaung Period, Late Konbaung Period including Literature and Buddhism; The Third Anglo-Myanmar War; and the loss of Independence.


264 Study of Selective Philosophy, Part I
3 units

This course will include Madyamika philosophy Part I.


265 Study of Buddhist Psychology and Sociology, Part I
3 units

This course is to explain Psychology and Sociology with Buddhist perspective, Part I.




Second Semeste


Vinaya 206-207


206 The Study of the Patimokkha, Part II
3 units

This course is a natural sequence of 201 (Part I) and has the same focus. It explains Background of Sikkhãpada, ãpatti and anãpatti; Lokavajja and pa¼¼attivajja.



207 Practical Aspects of Vinaya, Part II
3 units

This course deals with the way to practically solve problems when a rule is broken. Particularly it focuses on remedies for all great (garuka-apatti) and some small offences (i.e. nissaggiya-apatti); it also studies the way a robe is made and used (civarakkhandhaka).



Suttanta 216-219


216 Critical approach to prescribed suttas in the D.N, Part II 
3 units

This course is the continuation of Critical approach to prescribed suttas in the Døgha-nikãya, Part I. This course covers Mahãnidãna-sutta, Mahãparinibbãna-sutta, Cakkavatti-sutta, and Sampasãdanøya-sutta.


217 Critical approach to prescribed suttas in the M.N, Part II
3 units

This course is the continuation of Critical approach to prescribed suttas in the Majjhima-nikãya, Part I.  This course deals with Dhammadãyãda-sutta, Sammãdi¥¥hi-sutta, Cû¹adukkhakkhandha-sutta, and Cû¹asaccaka-sutta.



Abhidhamma 226-229


226 The Study of Abhidhamma, Part IV
3 units

This course will further deepen the knowledge of the students on Abhidhamma.  It includes notes on Abhidhammatthavibhãvini ¥økã.  This course mainly deals with two chapters of Abhidhammattha-sa³gaha namely, The chapter on Samuccaya and The chapter on Paccaya.



Patipatti 236-239


236 Study of Practice of Vipassana Meditation, Part I
3 units

This course is the introduction to Study and Practice of Vipassanã Mediation. It covers the Treading the Noble Eightfold Path; Enlightened states worthy of aspiration; Five factors leading to the stages of ariyas; Four types of individuals with respect to attainment; Five antarãyas; 5 barriers of obstacles which prevent attainment of jhãna, magga or phala; Seven stages of purifications and Ten insight knowledge; and stage of attainments.



Pã¹i 246-247

246 Intermediate Pã¹i  , Part II
3 units

This course is the continuation of the Intermediate Pã¹i Course, Part I. It covers:   Conjugation of verbs, Indeclinable words, Formation of nouns, Nominal compounds, and Verbal compounds.


247 An unspecified Pã¹i Grammar and Composition, Part II
3 units

This course is designed to give the students a better understanding of Pã¹i Grammar; Chapter II of Kaccayana (Nama), Part II and composition utilizing the examples from the Pã¹i Texts and literature.



256 Intermediate Myanmar, Part II
3 units

This course is the continuation of the Introduction to Myanmar Language in order to provide the students a deeper understanding of the language.  It covers: Interjection, Particles, Basic conversation, Spoken style and written style in Myanmar language.




257 Advanced English, Part II
3 units

This course is the continuation of Advanced English Part I in order to give the students better skills in English language.  To help the students build up the English vocabulary, Chapters on Word formation, Connecting and linking, Countables and uncountables are included together with Reading and Writing on Buddhist festivals, Buddhist shrines, Temples and Pagodas.


258 An unspecified/chosen language, Part II
3 units




Elective Subjects 266-270


266 Study of Rituals and Practices of World Religions, Part II
3 units

This course is the continuation of Study of Rituals and Practices of World Religions, Part I in order to provide the students a deeper understanding of World Religions.  It includes the continuation of Unities and diversities such as Transmigration and rebirth (Here and Hereafter life), Salvation, emancipation and liberation (from miseries and sufferings), and Evil and sin.  It also studies: The development of Theravãda Buddhist tradition, and its application for socio-economic life pattern in Myanmar society.


267 Study of Buddhist Culture and History, Part II
3 units

This course is intended to provide a deeper understanding of the Buddhist Culture and History.  It covers two aspects of Buddhist Culture, viz., Literature and Performing Arts.  The section on Literature includes Pã¹i literature of Myanmar, Literary tradition, Literary forms and appreciations, Influence of Buddhism on Myanmar literature, Famous poets and writers.  The section on Performing Arts includes Theatre, Puppets, and Famous artists.


268 Study of Myanmar Culture and History, Part II
3 units

This course is intended to further understand the Myanmar culture and History.  It covers History of Myanmar during The British Colonial Period (1885-1941) with special reference to The decline of monastic education, The impact of English education upon Myanmar young generation, The role of Buddhism in the nationalist movements, The renaissance of Myanmar culture, The new literary movements, The role of Sangha (Buddhist Order), and Myanmar freedom movement.


269 Study of Selective Philosophy, Part II
3 units

This course will include Madyamika philosophy Part II.


265 Study of Buddhist Psychology and Sociology, Part I
3 units

This course is to explain Psychology and Sociology with Buddhist perspective.


270 Study of Buddhist Psychology and Sociology, Part II
3 units

This course is to explain Psychology and Sociology with Buddhist perspective, Part II.






Third Year B.A. Degree

First Semester


Vinaya 301-309


301 The Study of the Patimokkha, Part III
3 units

This course furthers the previous two papers, 201 and 206, with the same focus.  It also explains Background of sikkhãpada, ãpatti and anãpatti, Lokavajja and pa¼¼attivajja in further detail.



302 Practical Aspects of the Vinaya, Part II
3 units

This course discusses the culture in the use of four essential requisites, with particular attention paid to the descriptions in the Khuddasikkha, the Mahavagga and the Culavagga.



Suttanta 311-319


311 Critical approach to prescribed suttas in the D.N, Part III
3 units

This course is the continuation of Critical approach to prescribed suttas in the Døgha-nikãya, Part II.  It explains Aggañña-sutta and Pãsãdika-sutta.


312 Critical approach to prescribed suttas in the M.N, Part II
3 units

This course is the continuation of Critical approach to prescribed suttas in the Majjhimanikãya, Part II.  It deals with the following six suttas of the MaJJima-nikãya: Mahãrãhulovãda-sutta, Jøvaka-sutta, Dakkhi¼a-vibha³ga-sutta, Susimaparibbãjãka-sutta, Nidãna-suttam and Asutavã-sutta.



Abhidhamma 321-329


321 The Study of Advanced Abhidhamma, Part I (Mãtikã etc)
3 units

This course will further deepen the knowledge of the students on Abhidhamma.  It includes: the study of Mãtikã (¥øka) translation, the Dhammasa³ganø & A¥¥hakathãka¼óa (¥øka), and Mãtikã (Ayakauk) (¥øka).



Patipatti 331-339


331 Study and Practice of Samatha Meditation, Part II
3 units

This course is the continuation of the Study of practice of Samatha Meditation Part I.  This covers two sections from Visuddhimagga (The Path of Purification) namely, Sølaniddesa and Samãdhi-niddesa.



341 Advanced Pã¹i , Part I
3 units

This course is designed to give the students a better language skill in Pã¹i.  It covers: Chapters on Evolution of the vowels, the consonants, the declensions, the pronouns & the numerals; and Evolution of the verbal system.


342 An unspecified Pã¹i  Grammar and Composition, Part III
3 units

This course is designed to give the students a further understanding of Pã¹i Grammar; Chapter VI of Kaccayana (Akhyata),Part I and Composition utilizing the examples from the Pã¹i Texts and literature.



351 Advanced Myanmar
3 units

This course furthers the previous paper Intermeditate Myanmar Language, Part II in order to give the students better language skills.  It covers: Speaking & listening, Reading & Writing. Grammar & usage, Syntax, Prose, and Myanmar culture & traditions.


352 Advanced English, Part III
3 units

This course is the continuation of Adavanced English Part II to help the students build up the English vocabularly, and to provide the students better skills in English language namely, reading, writing, listening and speaking.  It covers: (a) General Topics; (b) Feelings and Actions; (c) Idioms and Fixed Expressions; (d) Notional Concepts; (e) Readings from Pã¹i Texts and literature; and (f) Critical study of English terms in translated Abhidhamma texts.


353 An unspecified/chosen language, Part III
3 units


Elective Subjects 361-365


361 Study of Rituals and Practices of World Religions, Part III
3 units

This course is the continuation of Study of Rituals and Practices of World Religions, Part II, and provides the students a deeper understanding of World Religions.  It includes: the study of religion & the philosophy of religion; Six of the ten metaphysical questions that the Buddha did not elucidate.


362 Study of Buddhist Culture and History, Part III
3 units

This course is intended to provide a deeper understanding of the Buddhist Culture and History.  It covers Buddhism & Culture in Thailand, and also in Cambodia.


363 Study of Myanmar Culture and History, Part III
3 units

This course is intended to further understand the Myanmar Culture and History.  It covers History of Myanmar during the Period of Japanese occupation (1941-1945).


364 Study of Selective Philosophy, Part III
3 units

This course covers Sankhya Philosophy.


365 Study of Buddhist Psychology and Sociology, Part III
3 units




Second Semester


Vinaya 306-309


306 The Study of the Patimokkha, Part IV
3 units

This course is a natural sequence of the previous three papers, Pari 201, 202 and 301 and continues with the same focus.  It explains Background of Sikkhãpada, ãpatti and anãpatti; Lokavajja and Pa¼¼attivajja in more detail.



307 Practical Aspects of the Vinaya, Part IV
3 units

This course deals with the fourteen kinds of observance, considered to be a duty towards the community of monks (vattakkhandhaka, Culavagga), and the Rains-retreat (vassupanayikakkhandaka, Mahavagga).



Suttanta 316-319


316 Critical approach to prescribed suttas in the D.N, Part IV
3 units

This course studies the prescribed suttas in Majjhima-nikãya, and Samyutta-nikaya with a critical approach.  It covers Mahagopala-sutta, Mahapunnama-sutta, Anattalakkhana-sutta, Asivisopama-sutta and Darukkhandhopama-sutta.



317 Critical approach to prescribed suttas in the M.N, Part IV
3 units

This course studies the prescribed sutta in the Anguttara-nikaya and Khuddaka-nikaya with a critical approach.  It deals with Uggaha-sutta, Janusoni-sutta, Tirokutta-sutta, and Nibbanapati-samyutta-sutta.


Abhidhamma 326-329


326 The Study of Advanced Abhidhamma, Part II
3 units

This course provides the students with a deeper understanding of Abhidhamma.  It includes: the study of Dhammasangani-Atthakathakanda (Duka), Dhatukatha (Ayakauk) (14 nayas), and Notes on Atthasalini Atthakatha.


Patipatti 336-339


336 Study and Practice of Vipassana Meditation, Part II
3 units

This course is the continuation of the Study of Practice of  Vipassanã Meditation part I. It covers: Three kinds of Visuddhi; Maggãmaggañã¼adassana-visuddhi (Sammãsana-ñã¼a); Pa¥ipadãñã¼adassana-visuddhi (Udayabbaya-ñã¼a, Anuloma-ñã¼a); Ñã¼adassana-visuddhi (Four magga-ñã¼a).  It also deals with three suttas from Døgha-nikãya namely, Subha-sutta, Sakkapañha-sutta, Mahãsatipa¥¥hãna-sutta together with its commentary. (Pa¥i 221)




346 Advanced Pã¹i  , Part II  
3 units

This course is designed to give the students a better language skill in Pã¹i. It covers: Chapters on Syntax agreement, Syntax of cases, Syntax of the verbs, Syntax of the sentences, and Simple extract from Pã¹i literature.


347 An unspecified Pã¹i   Grammar and Composition, Part IV
3 units

This course provides the students a better understanding of Pã¹i Grammar; Chapter VI of Kaccayana (Akhyata), Part II and Composition utilizing the examples from the Pã¹i Texts and literature.



356 Advanced Myanmar, Part II        
3 units

This course is the continuation of the previous paper Advanced Myanmar, Part I, in order to give the students better language skills.  It follows the same focus on Speaking & listening, Reading & Writing; Some expressions of Theravãda Buddhism, and Myanmar culture and customs.


357 Advanced English, Part IV           
3 units

This course is the continuation of Advanced English Part III to help the students in building up the English vocabulary, and to provide the students better skills in English language.  The Chapters include Phrasal Verbs and Verb-based Expressions, and Varieties of English together with the Reading in translated Buddhist literature, and Writing on Theravãda Buddhism in Myanmar.

358 An unspecified/chosen language, Part IV
3 units

Elective Subjects 366-370


366 Study of Rituals and Practices of World Religions,Part IV
3 units

This course is the continuation of Study of Ritual and Practices of World Religion, Part III, and the course further provides the students with a deeper understanding of World Religions.  It studies the remaining four of the ten metaphysical questions that the Buddha did not elucidate. The course also deals with: An extensive and intensive study of the definitions and technical terms of religions; and the possibility of universal religion and universal culture.


367 Study of Buddhist Culture and History, Part IV
3 units

This course is intended to provide a deeper understanding of the Buddhist Culture and History.  It covers Buddhism & culture in Laos; Buddhist art in Southeast Asia- (a) Art in Indochina, and (b) Art in Indonesia.


368 Study of Myanmar Culture and History, Part IV
3 units

This course is intended to further understand the Myanmar Culture and History.  It covers History of Myanmar during Post-War Period (1945-present) with a view to (a) The pre-independence years (1945-1947), (b) Revival of Myanmar culture and Theravãda Buddhism, (c) The Sixth Buddhist Council, (d) The national education, (e) Relations with the Buddhist countries, and (f) Promotion of Theravãda Buddhism.


369 Study of Selective Philosophy, Part IV
3 units

This course is intended to the study of Yogacara Philosophy.


370 Study of Buddhist Psychology and Sociology, Part IV
3 units









M.A. Programme


The ITBMU Master of Arts Degree Programme runs a combined course of teaching and research; the course is a two years programme, after which the candidate is required to submit a Thesis within one year. The programme offers seven major subjects and Three compulsory subjects, related to Theravada Buddhism. The candidate is required to choose one major subject and two Minor subjects.



(1) Major Subjects

  1. Vinaya Pã¹i  and Commentaries
  2. Suttanta Pã¹i  and Commentaries
  3. Abhidhamma and Commentaries
  4. Visuddhimagga (Or) Patisambhidamagga Pã¹i and Commentary
  5. Pã¹i  Grammar
  6. Buddhist Culture, History and Inscription


(a) Kalyani Inscription

(b) Pagan Inscriptions

(c) Asoka Edicts

(d) Inscriptions in Sri Lanka

(e)  Inscriptions in Thailand

  1. Buddhist Philosophy and Psychology

Other Philosophy:

(a) Early Indian Philosophy

(b) Chinese Philosophy

(c) Western Philosophy

Choose one from the above seven subjects.


(2) Minor Subjects

  1. Research Methodology (All)
  2. (a). Saµva¼¼anã-vicaya

(b) Nayu-pacara-vicaya

(c) Vacanattha-vicaya

  1. Ganthabharana


MA Programme First Year

First Semester

Vinaya 401- 402


  1. Analytical study of the Vinaya Pã¹i and Commentaries, Part I
    3 units

This course generally introduces students to the Vinaya canonical and its commentarial texts, focussing particularly on the Parajika Pã¹i and the Samantapasadika, Vol. I.


  1. Analytical study of an unspecified Vinaya text(s),Part I
    3 units

This course looks at some development of the Theravada Vinaya literature by studying three important extra-canonical texts, namely the Kuddasikkha, the Mulasikkha and the Vinaya-vinicchaya.


Suttanta 411-419


  1. Analytical study of the Suttanta-pitaka (Pã¹i and Commentaries),Part I
    3 units

This course studies analytically the prescribed suttas in the Majjhima-nikãya and Saµyutta-nikãya with a critical approach.  It covers Ana³gana-sutta, Vømaµsaka-sutta, Ra¥¥hapãla-sutta, Mahãsuññata-sutta, Sakka-saµyutta, pa¥hamavagga, lãbhasakkãra-saµyutta, Vacchagotta-saµyutta, Mãtugãma-saµyutta, and Iddhipãda-saµyutta.


  1. Analytical study of an unspecified the Suttanta-pitaka, Part I
    3 units

This course studies the prescribed sutta in the A³guttara-nikãya and Khuddaka-nikãya with a critical approach.  It deals with Sacetana-sutta, Tamotama-sutta, Pathama/dutiya/tatiya Saddhammasammosa-suttas, Devatã-sutta, Bhaddiya-sutta, Mettãbhãvanã-sutta, Uttarãvimana-vatthu, Khalla¥iyapeta-vatthu, and Mahãkappinattheragãthã.


Abhidhamma 421- 429


  1. Analytical study of the Abhidhamma-pitaka, Part I
    3 units

This course provides the students with a deeper understanding of Abhidhamma.  It includes: the study of Dhammasa³ganø, and Notes on A¥¥hsãlinø A¥¥hakathã.


  1. Analytical study of an unspecified Abhidhamma text Part I
    3 units

This course provides the students with a deeper understanding of Abhidhamma.  It includes: the study of Dhãtukathã Pã¹i (aya-kauak), and Pañcappakara¼a-a¥¥hakathã.




Patipatti 431 – 439


  1. Analytical study of the Visuddhimagga Commentary, Part I
    3 units

This course is the continuation of the Study of Practice of Samatha Meditation Part V.  It covers two Sections, namely Søla-niddesa and Samãdhi-niddesa.


  1. Analytical study of the an unspecified Text
    3 units

This course is to be studied in the selective part of Patisambhidamagga and its commentary.



  1. Advanced Pã¹i , Part III
    3 untis

This course covers Rupasiddhi, Part I.


  1. An unspecified Pã¹i grammar text(s), Part I      
    3 units

This course covers Bedacinta and Kaccayanasara.


Buddhist History and Culture


  1. Buddhist arts, rituals.. etc., the emergence of different schools, Part I
    3 units

With regard to history, This course deals with expansion of Buddhism from India and various countries; and the emergence of various schools; and, on culture, it concerns with a systematic understanding of the value system and the normative foundation of the Buddhist culture and their manifestations among people.


Buddhist Philosophy


  1. Buddhist Philosophy: Theravada, Mahayana and Vijaryana.
    3 units

In this course, the students are expected to have a good understanding of the fundamentals of Buddhist philosophy and their application, such as the Four Noble Truths, Anatta, criterion of good and bad and causality; philosophy related to liberation and the differences among the major current Buddhist schools on liberation and means to achieve it.


Research Methodology

  1. Research Methodology, Part I
    3 units

This course helps the students understand the procedure and method in carrying out a research or writing a thesis or dissertation.  The course includes: The meaning of research: Research and everyday life (a way of progress); Study of research methods; Research methodology and its stages; detailed study of some significant stages (finding the problem, collecting data, forming hypothesis, deducing generalization and theories).



Second Semester


Vinaya 406-409


  1. Analytical study of the Vinaya Pã¹i and Commentaries, Part II
    3 units

In this course, students are expected to further and deepen the previous paper, 401 with particular attention paid to the Parajika Pã¹i and the Samantapasadika, Vol. II.


  1. Analytical study of an unspecified Vinaya text(s),Part II
    3 units

Some of the texts expected to be studied in this course, with the purpose of assisting the Students to specialise in further development of the Theravada Vinaya tradition, including the Kuddasikkhã, the Mþlasikkhã and the Vinaya-vinicchaya.


Suttanta 416-419


  1. Analytical study of the Suttanta-pitaka (Pã¹i and Commentaries), Part II
    3 units

This course is a continuation of the previous paper.  This course studies analytically the prescribed suttas in the Majjhima-nikãya and Saµyutta-nikãya with a critical approach.  It deals with five suttas each from Majjhima nikãya and Saµyutta nikãya.


  1. Analytical study of an unspecified the Suttanta-pitaka, Part II
    3 units

This course studies the prescribed suttas in the A³guttara-nikãya and Khuddaka-nikãya with a critical approach.  This studies four suttas from A³guttara-nikãya and five suttas from Khuddaka-nikãya.


Abhidhamma 426-429


  1. Analytical study of the Abhidhamma-pitaka, Part II
    3 units

This course provides the Students with a deeper understanding of Abhidhamma.  This includes: the study of Vibha³ga Pã¹i and Sammohavinodanø.


  1. Analytical study of an unspecified Abhidhamma text, Part I
    3 units

This course provides the students with a deeper understanding of Abhidhamma.  This includes: the study of Dhãtukathã Pã¹i (aya-kauak) and Puggalapaññatti.



Patipatti 436-439


  1. Analytical study of the Visuddhimagga Commentary, Part II
    3 units

This course  is the continuation of the previous paper, and explains Paññãbhþmi-niddesa from Visuddhimagga.


  1. Analytical study of the Vimuttimagga, Part II
    3 units

This course is to be studied in comparison with the Visuddhimagga.



Pã¹i 446-449


  1. Advanced Pã¹i , Part IV
    3 units

This course covers Rupasiddhi, Part II.


  1. An unspecified Pã¹i grammar text(s), Part II
    3 units

This course covers Saddaniti- Suttamala


Buddhist Culture and History


  1. Buddhist arts, rituals.. etc., the emergence of different schools, Part II
    3 units

This course is to be continue of 451.


Buddhist Philosophy


  1. Mahayana and Vijaryana Philosophy.
    3 units

This course allows the candidate to widen his/her knowledge of the Mahayana philosophy by focussing on the Sunyata as presented in the Madhyamaka-karika.


Research Methodology


  1. Research Methodology, Part II
    3 units

This course is to be continue the Research Methodology, Part I. and this practically introduces the candidates to writing a thesis or dissertation.  It includes: Application of research techniques in religious studies; Writing a report with footnotes and a bibliography; and Practical presentation of a post-graduate term paper including bibliography and footnotes.



Second Year

First Semester


Vinaya 501-509


  1. Analytical study of the Vinaya Pã¹i and Commentaries, Part II
    3 units

In this course the students are expected to further and deepen the previous paper, 401 with particular attention paid to the Pãcittyãdi Commentary.


  1. Analytical study of an unspecified Vinaya text(s), Part III
    3 units

This course covers V inayasa³gaha commentary, and Vinayãla³kãra-¥økã for further development of the Theravãda Vinaya tradition.



Suttanta 511-519


  1. Analytical study of the Suttanta-pitaka, Part III
    3 units

This course is a continuation of the previous course, 416.  This deals with five suttas each from Majjhima-nikaya and Saµyutta-nikãya.


  1. Analytical study of an unspecified the Suttanta-pitaka, Part III
    3 units

This course is also a continuation of the previous course, 417.  This paper studies five suttas each from A³guttara-nikãya and Khuddaka-nikãya.


Abhidhamma 521-529

  1. Analytical study of the Abhidhamma-pitaka, Part III
    3 units

This course provides the students with a deeper understanding of Abhidhamma.  This includes: the study of Kathãvatthu and Commentary (An analytical study with annotations).


  1. Analytical study of an unspecified Abhidhamma text Part III
    3 units

This course provides the students with a deeper understanding of Abhidhamma. This includes: the study of The Yamaka-pã¹i (aya-kauak), (An analytical study with annotations.)



Patipatti 531-539


  1. Analytical study of the Patisambhidamagga and Commentary, Part I
    3 units

This course, studies the different kinds of knowledge with reference to Pa¥isaµbhidãmagga and its Commentary.


  1. Analytical study of an unspecified Vipassana texts
    3 units

In this course, the candidate is expected to do a textual study of some of the texts on Vipassanã meditation in Myanmar, for example, the Ledidipani. It is to be studied in order to furnish the candidate with different techniques of vipassanã Meditation.




  1. Advanced Pã¹i , Part V
    3 units

This course covers Rupasiddhd, part III


  1. An unspecified Pã¹i grammar text(s), Part I
    3 units

This course covers Padamãlã


Buddhist Culture and History


  1. Buddhist arts, rituals.. etc., the emergence of different schools, Part IV
    3 units

This course is to be continue of 451


Buddhist Philosophy


  1. Theravada, Mahayana and Vijaryana Philosophy; Madhyamika etc., Part IV
    3 units

            This course is to be continue of 452



Second Semester


Vinaya 506-509


  1. Analytical study of the Vinaya Pã¹i and Commentaries, Part II
    3 units

This course is intended to further students’ knowledge of the Vinaya, both canonical and commentarial. It covers the Cþ¹avagga, the Mahãvagga and the Parivãra together with their Commentaries.


  1. Analytical study of an unspecified Vinaya text(s), Part II
    3 units

This course is to continue the Vinaya-sangaha- commentary and Vinaya-lankara-¥økã, 502.

Suttanta 516-519


  1. Analytical study of the Suttanta-pitaka, Part III
    3 units

This course is a continuation of the previous course, 511.  This also deal with five suttas each from Majjhima-nikãya and Saµyutta-nikãya.


  1. Analytical study of an unspecified the Suttanta-pitaka, Part III
    3 units

This course is also a continuation of the previous course, 512.  This studies five suttas each from A³guttara-nikãya and Khuddaka-nikaya.


Abhidhamma 526-529


  1. Analytical study of the Abhidhamma-pitaka, Part II
    3 units

This course enhances the students’ understanding of Abhidhamma.  This includes: the study of Dhãtukathã, Puggalapaññatti, Yamaka and Commentaries.


  1. Analytical study of an unspecified Abhidhamma text, Part IV
    3 units

This course is prescribed for deeper understanding of Abhidhamma by the candidates.  This includes: the study of the Pa¥¥hãna-pã¹i and (aya-kauak) (An analytical study with annotations).


Patipatti 536-539


  1. Analytical study of the Patisambhidamagga & Commentary, Part I
    3 units

This course is to continue 531, and it studirs the different kinds of knowledge with reference to Pa¥isaµbhidãmagga and its Commentary.


  1. Analytical study of Vipassana texts
    3 units

This course is to continue 532.  This paper is prescribed to furnish the candidate with a higher understanding of Vipassanã Meditation, for example, Døpanø, Mahasi etc.



  1. Advanced Pã¹i , Part V
    3 units

This course covers Rupasiddhi, Part IV.


  1. An unspecified Pã¹i grammar text(s), Part II
    3 units

This course covers Saddanøti (Dhatumãlã)


Buddhist Culture and History


  1. Buddhist arts, rituals.. etc., the emergence of different schools, Part IV
    3 units

This course is to continue the previous course, 551.


Buddhist Philosophy

  1. Theravada, Mahayana and Vijaryana Philosophy; Part IV
    3 units

            This course is to continue the previous course, 561.









PhD Programme

First Year



The ITBMU PhD programme consists of seven major areas in the study of Theravada Buddhism. After completing MA Degree, It is compulsory to take the entrance examination for Ph D programme to be registered as Ph D candidate.

  1. In the first year, the candidate is to prepare his/her Dissertation work

with one supervisor together with the two co-supervisors.

  1. In the third year, the candidate is qualified to submit his/her academic

work to the board of examiner together with recommendation letter of

his/ her supervisor.

  1. The board of examiners need to assist the candidate for selecting the

internal examiner and external examiner after submitting in order to

complete his/her academic work.


in order to qualify asbefore being becoming a Ph D, under which the area of research by the candidate is expected to come. In the first year, the candidate is required to follow a taught course, leading to a written test at the end of the Academic Year. And, as a part of the requirement for the Doctor of Philosophy Examination, the candidate should submit a written work of not exceeding 100,000 words; the submission may be granted, given the thesis meets an expected standard, after the completion of two and half years of study. Te following are the seven major subjects from which the candidate may choose to form a taught course.



(1) Major Subjects

  1. Vinaya Pã¹i , Commentaries and Sub-commentaries
  2. Suttanta Pã¹i Commentaries and Sub-commentaries
  3. Abhidhamma Commentaries and Sub-commentaries
  4. Visuddhimagga Commentary and Sub-commentaries
  5. Pã¹i Grammar
  6. Buddhist Culture and History
  7. Buddhist Philosophy



Second Year


Practical work and the submission of a written work, not less than 10,000 words, related to his/her research field.









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